Top post

Quite surprised to find that the most popular post on my blog is the thyroid examination protocol that I proposed.

I don’t really know why, if anybody could tell me why I’d appreciate it!!!

Also some criticism or feedback will help me to improve the post, and add more useful information if needed. I also have other ‘examination packages’ and I can put them up if folks want.

Mystic Mind

I found this beautiful poem by Dr Javad Nurbuksh (Allahs blessings be upon him) on youtube.

I never actually met him, but bought a copy of his book “In the Paradise of the Sufis” in my teenage years. It was a great book, detailing many subtle aspects of mysticism, and spiritual practices of the Nimatullahi sufi order. There was also a magazine with scholarly articles about various aspects of sufism called “Sufi”.

Ironically, Shah Nimatullah the great savant and mystic  upon whom the order is attributed was a Sunni, but it seems to have taken a distinctly more Shia form of Islam for its outer beliefs at least, although many of the spiritual practices are very similar to those found in many other Sufi paths. The Holy Prophet Muhammed, upon be peace, stated that the paths to Allah are as many as the breaths of mankind, and I’m pretty certain that to someone of Dr Nurbukhs stature the End (i.e. attaining fana or annhiliation in Allahs love, and then returning to the constant company of Allah ‘Baqaa’) was more important than debates about sectarian differences.

Dr Nurbuksh was a psychiatrist, so he had a birdseyes view into the human mind and psyche, and I’m sure that helped a lot in his dealings with the public from both a material and spirtual viewpoint. Sadly,  he left Iran after the ‘revolution’ by Khomeini in 1979 which led to a mass repression of Sufis and Muslims of other schools of thought especially the mainstream Sunni Islam.

My favourite stanzas from the poem:

1)..”In this world of madness,

my heart has no religion,

so for what reason,

do these intellectuals

still ask my faith…”

2)….”Say the name of the friend always,

slowly, slowly,

with this alchemy change,

the copper of the heart,

into gold,

slowly, slowly…………………”

3) ” There are thousands of tests,

in store for the sincere lover,

all so that,

he can come to know loves secret

slowly, slowly.”
